Tithes and Offerings
It is a form of worship seen as we acknowledge God's Person, God's Program and Our Participation (2 Cor 9:5-15)
As we come before our God of Providence we see our offerings as worship and giving Him glory
As we walk by faith we see giving as obedience following Old Testament and New Testament examples
As we commit to sending the Gospel globally both in local and foreign missions and ministries we see giving as stewardship
Giving is a privilege and honour for all Christians to participate in with what they are able (1 Cor 16:2). It is in the gift that God speaks as He asks for what is His, as well as His blessings that are seen as the Holy Spirit honours surrender and obedience.
ways you can give:
Give during our regular Sunday morning worship service at 10:30 AM.
Give online by e-transferring the church at: coldstreambaptist@live.ca
All transfers made with no note goes to the general fund.
Give my mailing your donation to the church at:
7694 Route 104
Coldstream, NB E7P 3M4